Funny 1 word sayings

1. Bazinga

2. Yikes

3. Oops

4. D'oh

5. Zoinks

6. Eureka

7. Kaboom

8. Huzzah

9. Blammo

10. Whammy

Above is Funny 1 word sayings.

Millionaire sayings winner with gd

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer

Casino sayings quotes

1. The house always wins.2. Luck be a lady tonight.3. You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em.4. The chips are down.5. Roll the dice and take your chances.6. In the game of life, play the hand you're dealt.7. The odds are in your favor.8. Aces high, hearts full.9.

Cantonese sayings about love

1. 情人眼里出西施 (cǐng rén yǎn lǐ chū xī shī) - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.2. 愛屋及烏 (oi uk kap wu) - Love me, love my dog.3. 真愛如星辰,不論晴雨 (zan oi yu sing san, bat leon cing jyu) - True love is like the stars, it shines regardless of the weather.4. 愛情是盲目的 (oi cing si mang muk dik) - Love is blind.5.

Husband and wife love quotes and sayings in hindi

1. पति-पत्नी का प्यार एक अद्वितीय रिश्ता है, जो सदैव ख़ुशियों से भरा रहता है।2. जब पति-पत्नी के बीच प्यार होता है, तो हर मुश्किल आसान हो जाती है।3. पति-पत्नी का प्यार एक आभास है, जो उनके दिलों को सजाता है।4. पति-पत्नी का प्यार एक अनमोल खज़ाना है, जो सदैव बना रहना चाहिए।5. पति-पत्नी का प्यार

Sayings we owe to shakespeare

There are many sayings and phrases that we owe to William Shakespeare, as he is credited with coining or popularizing a wide range of expressions in the English language. Some of the well-known sayings we owe to Shakespeare include:1. All that glitters is not gold - from The Merchant of Venice2.

Bee cards sayings

1. Bee happy!2. Bee kind, always.3. Bee positive, bee yourself.4. Bee-lieve in yourself.5. Bee strong and courageous.6. Bee grateful for the little things.7. Bee humble, bee kind.8. Bee the change you wish to see in the world.9. Bee-autiful inside and out.10. Bee brave, bee bold.

Sayings about emotional abuse by parents

1. The scars from emotional abuse are invisible, but they run deep.2. Just because the wounds are not physical, doesn't mean they aren't real.3. Emotional abuse from a parent can leave lasting effects that are hard to heal.4. Words can cut deeper than any physical wound, especially when they

Sayings about community

1. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. - Helen Keller2. It takes a village to raise a child. - African Proverb3. In unity, there is strength. - Aesop4. A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm. - Henrik Ibsen5. Community is not just about

Candy with cute sayings

1. You're sweeter than candy!2. Life is sweet with you around.3. You're the cherry on top of my sundae.4. You're a treat to be around.5. You're as sweet as sugar.6. You're the sprinkles to my cupcake.7. You're a real gem, candy!8. You're the sweetest thing in my life.9. You're a can

Rumors sayings

Here are some popular sayings about rumors:1. Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.2. A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way.3. Believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see.4. Don't believe everything you hear. There are al