Funny 50th birthday sayings for woman

1. "Fifty and fabulous, just like fine wine!"

2. "Turning 50 is like turning 25 twice, but with more wisdom and fewer all-nighters."

3. "Age is just a number, but 50 is a pretty great one!"

4. "Fifty and fabulous, just like a vintage Chanel bag."

5. "Fifty is the new forty...or at least that's what I keep telling myself!"

6. "Life begins at 50...after a good night's sleep and a strong cup of coffee."

7. "Fifty and fierce, ready to take on the world!"

8. "Fifty and fabulous, with a touch of sass and a lot of class."

9. "Half a century never looked so good!"

10. "They say 50 is the new 30, but let's be real, 50 is the new fabulous!"

Above is Funny 50th birthday sayings for woman.

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