Funny albanian sayings

1. "Kur e ka fiksimin, edhe gjyshja bën push-up."

Translation: "When he's obsessed, even grandma does push-ups."

2. "Më mirë të bësh një shok me një qen, se sa një qen me një shok."

Translation: "It's better to have a friend with a dog, than a dog with a friend."

3. "Nëse nuk ke punë, bëj sikur je i sëmurë."

Translation: "If you don't have a job, pretend you're sick."

4. "Nëse nuk të kupton gjuha, do të të kuptojnë gurët."

Translation: "If you don't understand language, even the stones will understand you."

5. "Kur nuk ka punë, çdo gomë është top."

Translation: "When there's nothing to do, every tire is a ball."

6. "Kur nuk ke punë, bëj sikur je duke punuar."

Translation: "When you don't have a job, pretend you're working."

7. "Nëse nuk të shkon puna, shko ti te puna."

Translation: "If the job doesn't suit you, you go to the job."

8. "Kur nuk ka punë, edhe qenat bëjnë kryq."

Translation: "When there's no work, even dogs cross their legs."

These sayings reflect the humor and wit of Albanian culture.

Above is Funny albanian sayings.

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