Funny alzheimer's sayings

1. "I may have Alzheimer's, but at least I don't have to worry about forgetting my age!"

2. "I used to have a great memory, but now I can't even remember where I put my keys... or what keys are for."

3. "I may forget your name, but I'll never forget how much I love you... who are you again?"

4. "I have Alzheimer's, so if I repeat myself, just pretend you're watching a really boring movie on repeat."

5. "I may not remember what I had for breakfast, but I'll never forget how to make a good joke... wait, what was I saying?"

6. "I have Alzheimer's, so if I forget your birthday, just remember that every day is a celebration when you're with me!"

7. "I may not remember where I parked my car, but at least I have a good excuse for taking the bus everywhere."

8. "I have Alzheimer's, so if I forget to pay the bills, just remember that money can't buy memories... or can it?"

9. "I may not remember what day it is, but I'll always remember to laugh and enjoy the moment... unless I forget how to do that too."

10. "I have Alzheimer's, so if I forget to call you back, just know that I'm probably having a great time talking to myself!"

Above is Funny alzheimer's sayings.

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