Funny anti smoking sayings

1. "Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They're rich, you're dead."

2. "Smoking kills, but if you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."

3. "Smoking is the leading cause of statistics."

4. "I don't smoke because I want to die. I smoke because I want to annoy people who don't."

5. "Smoking is a great way to lose weight... one lung at a time."

6. "Smoking is a habit that drains your money and kills you slowly. But hey, at least it's a slow death!"

7. "Why smoke when you can burn money and get the same effect?"

8. "Smoking is like a relationship. It's cool at first, but eventually, it will kill you."

9. "Smoking is a great way to shorten your life and lengthen your hospital bills."

10. "Smoking is the only time you pay to die."

Above is Funny anti smoking sayings.

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