Funny april fools quotes sayings

1. "April 1st: the day we are reminded of what we are on the other 364 days of the year."

2. "I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I am pretty close on April Fools' Day."

3. "I love April Fools' Day because everyone is fair game for pranks, even the most serious people."

4. "April Fools' Day is the one day of the year when people critically evaluate things they read on the internet before accepting them as true."

5. "On April Fools' Day, trust no one. Especially if they say, 'Trust me, I'm not joking.'"

6. "I'm not a fan of April Fools' Day, but I am a fan of anyone who can pull off a good prank without getting caught."

7. "April Fools' Day is the one day of the year when you can't trust anyone, not even yourself."

8. "I'm not saying I'm a master prankster, but I did convince my friend that April Fools' Day was canceled this year."

9. "April Fools' Day is the one day of the year when you can get away with saying, 'I was just kidding!' after anything."

10. "April Fools' Day: the one day when you can't believe anything you see or hear, unless it's a really good prank."

Above is Funny april fools quotes sayings.

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