Funny badger sayings

1. "As busy as a badger in a burrow."

2. "Don't poke the badger with a stick."

3. "Sly as a badger in the night."

4. "Fierce as a badger defending its den."

5. "Happy as a badger in a berry patch."

6. "Bold as a badger on the hunt."

7. "Clever as a badger outsmarting a fox."

8. "Stubborn as a badger digging for treasure."

9. "Quick as a badger chasing its prey."

10. "Quiet as a badger sneaking through the woods."

Above is Funny badger sayings.

Best brianna sayings grace and frankie

1. I'm not a hugger, I'm a Brianna.2. I don't do feelings, I do business.3. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to make money.4. I don't need a man to complete me, I'm already whole.5. I'm not interested in your drama, I have my own to deal with.6. I'm not a people person, I'm a Briann

Cute christmas shirts with sayings

1. Fa La La Llama2. Sleigh All Day3. Jingle Juice4. Santa's Favorite5. Merry and Bright6. Sleigh My Name7. Believe in the Magic8. Dear Santa, I Can Explain9. All I Want for Christmas is You (to Stop Talking)10. Let's Get Lit

Sayings using the word hook

1. You've got me hooked on your charm.2. He's always looking for a new angle to hook people in.3. She knows how to use her wit as a hook in conversation.4. Sometimes you just need to throw out a hook and see what bites.5. Don't let yourself get caught on someone else's hook.

Jewish headstone sayings

1. May his/her memory be a blessing.2. Rest in peace.3. Gone but not forgotten.4. In loving memory.5. Forever in our hearts.6. May his/her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life.7. A life well lived.8. Beloved husband/wife/father/mother/son/daughter.9. May his/her memory be a

Look at yourself before sayings about others

I apologize if my response came across as judgmental or critical. It was not my intention to offend or upset you. Thank you for the reminder to be mindful of my own words and actions.

Rip sayings for dogs

1. Gone but never forgotten, forever in our hearts.2. Run free over the rainbow bridge, sweet pup.3. You were a good boy/girl, rest in peace.4. May you find endless treats and belly rubs in doggy heaven.5. You brought so much joy and love into our lives, we will miss you dearly.6. In lovi

Julian tenison woods sayings

Here are some quotes attributed to Julian Tenison Woods:1. The world is a great book, of which they who never stir from home read only a page.2. The best way to show our gratitude to God and the saints is to accept the grace they offer us and to live in the spirit of their teaching.3. The trues

Sayings for good news

1. Every cloud has a silver lining.2. The sun is shining on us today.3. Good things come to those who wait.4. A stroke of good luck.5. The stars have aligned in our favor.6. It's a blessing in disguise.7. Fortune favors the bold.8. The tide has turned in our favor.9. A ray of hope i

Dance good luck sayings

1. Dance like nobody's watching and good luck will follow.2. May your dance be filled with joy and your luck be abundant.3. In every step you take on the dance floor, may luck be your partner.4. Dance with confidence and luck will be your constant companion.5. Let the rhythm guide you to su

U look handsome sayings in telugu

1. నీ చూపు అందంగా ఉంది - Your smile is charming.2. నీ ముఖం చాలా ఆకర్షణీయంగా ఉంది - Your face is very attractive.3. నీ స్టైల్ చాలా కూటుతుంది - Your style is very impressive.4. నీ వ్యక్తిత్వం చాలా అందంగా ఉంది - Your personality is very charming.5. నీ వేషం చాలా సూపర్ ఉంది - Your attire is very stylish.