Funny birthday sayings for turning 70

1. "70 is just a number, but it's a pretty big one! Happy birthday!"

2. "At 70, you're like a fine wine - aging gracefully and getting better with time. Cheers to you!"

3. "They say life begins at 70, so get ready for the adventure ahead! Happy birthday!"

4. "70 years young and still going strong! Keep on rocking, birthday superstar!"

5. "Turning 70 is like reaching the top of the mountain - enjoy the view and celebrate your amazing journey!"

6. "70 looks good on you! Here's to many more years of laughter, love, and joy."

7. "Happy 70th birthday! You're not old, you're just retro!"

8. "70 is the new 50, right? Keep defying age and living life to the fullest!"

9. "They say wisdom comes with age, so you must be the wisest person around at 70! Happy birthday!"

10. "70 candles may be a fire hazard, but you're still on fire! Happy birthday, fabulous 70-year-old!"

Above is Funny birthday sayings for turning 70.

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