Funny bisexual sayings

1. "I'm not confused, I'm just bi-lingual in love languages."

2. "I like my coffee how I like my partners - hot and diverse."

3. "I'm not half gay, I'm full fabulous."

4. "I'm not greedy, I just appreciate the full spectrum of beauty."

5. "I'm not straight, I'm just bi-winning at life."

6. "Why choose one gender when you can have the best of both worlds?"

7. "I'm not a unicorn, I'm just a bisexual with magical powers of attraction."

8. "Love knows no gender, and neither do I."

9. "I'm not a fence-sitter, I'm just enjoying the view from both sides."

10. "Bisexuals do it better - we have twice the options!"

Above is Funny bisexual sayings.

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