Funny canadian winter sayings

1. "It's so cold, even the polar bears are wearing parkas."

2. "Winter in Canada: where your car becomes a popsicle overnight."

3. "In Canada, we don't hibernate in winter, we just wear more layers."

4. "Winter is nature's way of telling Canadians to stay inside and drink hot chocolate."

5. "You know it's winter in Canada when your coffee freezes before you can drink it."

6. "Canadian winter: the only time of year when 'just a light dusting of snow' means you need a shovel."

7. "In Canada, we measure snowfall in 'eh's per square meter."

8. "Winter in Canada is like a bad breakup - it's cold, it's messy, and it feels like it will never end."

9. "When life gives you snow, make snow angels...and then slip on the ice and make a snowman out of your dignity."

10. "Canadians don't fear winter, we embrace it...while secretly dreaming of palm trees and sunshine."

Above is Funny canadian winter sayings.

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Sayings similar to icarus

1. Flying too close to the sun2. Reaching for the stars3. Flying too high4. Overreaching5. Hubris leads to downfall6. Flying too close to the flame7. Ambition unchecked8. Reckless ambition9. Pride before the fall10. Flying too close to danger