Funny cholo sayings

Here are some funny cholo sayings:

1. "I didn't choose the cholo life, the cholo life chose me."

2. "I'm not lazy, I'm just on cholo time."

3. "I may be a cholo, but I still know how to salsa."

4. "I don't always wear a bandana, but when I do, it's to keep my hair in place."

5. "I may be a tough cholo on the outside, but I'm a soft taco on the inside."

6. "I don't need a map, I navigate the streets with my cholo instincts."

7. "I may be a cholo, but I still know how to say 'please' and 'thank you'."

8. "I'm not a regular cholo, I'm a cool cholo."

9. "I may have tattoos, but my heart is still pure cholo."

10. "I don't need a gym, I get my workout running from the cops."

Above is Funny cholo sayings.

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