Funny christmas fortune cookie sayings

1. "You will receive a gift that you didn't even know you wanted - probably socks."

2. "Your Christmas dinner will be filled with joy, laughter, and a little too much eggnog."

3. "Santa Claus is coming to town... and he's bringing a fruitcake for you."

4. "You will find yourself singing 'Jingle Bells' at the most inappropriate times."

5. "Your mistletoe placement will lead to an awkward encounter with a coworker."

6. "The best gift you will receive this Christmas is the joy of spending time with loved ones... and maybe a new pair of slippers."

7. "You will accidentally give a gift to the wrong person, but they will love it anyway."

8. "Your Christmas tree will mysteriously lose all its ornaments overnight - blame it on mischievous elves."

9. "You will eat so many Christmas cookies that you'll start to resemble a gingerbread man."

10. "A snowball fight is in your future - make sure to wear extra layers!"

Above is Funny christmas fortune cookie sayings.

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