Funny christmas list sayings

1. "Dear Santa, I can explain..."

2. "All I want for Christmas is a nap."

3. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but if the white runs out, I'll take red or rosé."

4. "I'm on the naughty list and I regret nothing."

5. "Christmas calories don't count, right?"

6. "Dear Santa, define 'nice.'"

7. "This Christmas, I'm just here for the cookies."

8. "All I want for Christmas is for my family to stop asking when I'm getting married."

9. "Santa, please bring me patience... and a lot of wine."

10. "I'm dreaming of a Christmas where my relatives don't ask about my love life."

Above is Funny christmas list sayings.

Snoopy sayings about life

1. Life is like a peanut butter sandwich, sometimes it's smooth and sometimes it's crunchy.2. Happiness is a warm puppy.3. Life is a lot easier when you just smile and nod.4. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.5. Life is too short to waste time being unhappy.6. Sometim

Baseball sayings love

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Bodybuilding sayings and quot

1. The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.2. Success isn't given, it's earned.3. Train insane or remain the same.4. Your body can stand almost anything. It's your mind that you have to convince.5. Don't wish for it, work for it.6. The only bad workout is the one th

El salvador sayings

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Holiday memories sayings

1. The best memories are made during the holidays.2. Holiday magic is in the air, creating memories to cherish forever.3. The joy of the holidays is in the memories we create with loved ones.4. Holiday memories are like glitter, they sparkle and stay with you forever.5. In the end, it's the

Hungarian sayings translated

1. Az élet szép, mint a virág. - Life is beautiful like a flower.2. Az idő pénz. - Time is money.3. Aki korán kel, aranyat lel. - The early bird catches the worm.4. Aki másnak vermet ás, maga esik bele. - He who digs a pit for others will fall into it himself.5. Az igazság a legjobb védelem

Minion animals sayings

1. Banana! - Minion2. Bee-do Bee-do Bee-do! - Minion Firefighter3. Me want banana! - Minion4. Papoy! - Minion5. Whaaaaaat? - Minion6. Bottom! - Minion7. Underwear! - Minion8. Gelato! - Minion9. La-la-la-la-la! - Minion10. Poulet tiki masala! - Minion

African sayings about death

1. When death finds you, may it find you alive. - African Proverb2. Death is like a palm wine tapper who never misses his aim. - African Proverb3. The death of an elder is like a library burning down. - African Proverb4. When death comes, it is as if a palm tree has fallen. - African Proverb

Old sayings weather lore months

Here are some old sayings related to weather lore and specific months:1. March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. - This saying refers to the change in weather from the harshness of winter to the milder days of spring.2. April showers bring May flowers. - This saying suggests that th