Funny coming home sayings

1. "Honey, I'm home! Did you miss me or did you enjoy the peace and quiet?"

2. "I'm back! Time to unleash the chaos and mess again."

3. "Home sweet home, where the WiFi automatically connects and the fridge is always full."

4. "I'm home, where pants are optional and naps are mandatory."

5. "Guess who's back, back again. Tell the dog, tell a friend."

6. "Home is where the heart is, but also where the snacks are."

7. "I'm home, where the only judgment I face is from the mirror."

8. "Home is where you can be your weirdest self and no one bats an eye."

9. "I'm back, ready to tackle the never-ending pile of laundry and dishes."

10. "Home is where you can dance like no one's watching, because no one is watching."

Above is Funny coming home sayings.

Gym sayings that rhyme

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