Funny crappie sayings

1. "I'm not a crappie fish, I'm a crappie catch!"

2. "I'm so crappie, I make other fish look good."

3. "I may be small, but I've got a big crappie-tude."

4. "I'm the king of the crappie castle."

5. "I'm not just any fish, I'm a crappie with a sense of humor."

6. "I may be a crappie, but I'm still reel-y awesome."

7. "I'm not just a fish, I'm a crappie with a side of sass."

8. "I may be small, but I've got a crappie personality."

9. "I'm not your average fish, I'm a crappie with a splash of humor."

10. "I may be a crappie, but I'm still off the hook!"

Above is Funny crappie sayings.

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Astrobnoy sayings

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