Funny diesel sayings or stickers

1. "Eat my soot!"

2. "Diesel is my middle name."

3. "Rolling coal, making friends."

4. "Diesel power, baby!"

5. "Soot happens."

6. "Diesel: Because spark plugs are for sissies."

7. "If it ain't blowing black, take it back."

8. "Diesel: Making gasoline jealous since forever."

9. "Diesel: The original eco-friendly fuel. Just kidding."

10. "I like my trucks like I like my coffee: strong and diesel-powered."

Above is Funny diesel sayings or stickers.

Sayings about coffee lovers

1. Coffee is a hug in a mug.2. Life begins after coffee.3. Coffee is my love language.4. Coffee first, adulting second.5. I like my coffee like I like my mornings - dark and strong.6. Coffee: because adulting is hard.7. Coffee is the best Monday motivation.8. Coffee is the answer, no

Shame sayings

1. Shame is the most powerful master emotion. It's the fear that we're not good enough. - Brené Brown2. Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change. - Brené Brown3. Shame is the lie someone told you about yourself. - Anais Nin4. Shame is a soul eating emotion. -

Cheesy business sayings

1. Synergy is key to unlocking our full potential.2. Think outside the box to stay ahead of the curve.3. It's not about working harder, it's about working smarter.4. Fail fast, learn quickly, and iterate for success.5. Teamwork makes the dream work.6. Don't just meet expectations, exceed

Italian sayings about love and death

1. Amore e morte non guardano in faccia a nessuno. (Love and death don't look anyone in the face.)2. L'amore è eterno finché dura. (Love is eternal as long as it lasts.)3. Tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare. (Between saying and doing, there is the sea.)4. L'amore vince sempre sulla mo

Sayings for principals

1. Leadership is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in your charge.2. A good principal is like a lighthouse, guiding and illuminating the way for students and staff.3. The best principals are not just administrators, they are visionaries who inspire and empower others.4

Black and white pencils with sayings

Here are some ideas for black and white pencils with sayings:1. Stay sharp.2. Write your story.3. Create, inspire, repeat.4. Think outside the box.5. Dream big, write bigger.6. Make your mark.7. Words have power.8. Write with purpose.9. Stay focused, stay creative.10. Write your t

Could smash bros sayings

1. Falcon Punch!2. It's-a me, Mario!3. Don't get careless, Pit!4. Show me your moves!5. PK Fire!6. HADOUKEN!7. Time to tip the scales!8. I'm really feeling it!9. Can't let you do that, Star Fox!10. You're too slow!

Sayings that are about friends

1. A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. - Douglas Pagels2. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld3. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. - Edna Buchanan4. A friend is someone who knows all

Beautiful fortune cookie sayings

1. Your future is as bright as the sun.2. Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who take action.3. Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.4. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is gr

Builders safety sayings

1. Safety first, because accidents last.2. Don't be a fool, follow the safety rule.3. Protect your head, protect your life.4. Stay alert, don't get hurt.5. Safety is no accident.6. Work safely today, for a better tomorrow.7. Don't take shortcuts, they cut life short.8. Safety starts w