Funny dog sayings short

1. "I'm not fat, I'm just a little husky."

2. "I'm not spoiled, I just happen to be the center of the universe."

3. "I'm not lazy, I'm just conserving energy for when I really need it."

4. "I'm not begging, I'm just practicing my puppy eyes."

5. "I'm not misbehaving, I'm just expressing my inner wild side."

6. "I'm not a troublemaker, I'm just a master of mischief."

7. "I'm not a couch potato, I'm just a professional napper."

8. "I'm not a picky eater, I just have refined taste buds."

9. "I'm not ignoring you, I'm just selectively listening."

10. "I'm not a dog, I'm a furry ball of joy."

Above is Funny dog sayings short.

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