Funny england sayings

1. "Bob's your uncle" - used to indicate that something is easy or straightforward.

2. "It's like herding cats" - used to describe a situation that is chaotic or difficult to control.

3. "As daft as a brush" - used to describe someone who is silly or foolish.

4. "It's all gone pear-shaped" - used to describe a situation that has gone wrong or become a mess.

5. "Taking the mickey" - teasing or making fun of someone.

6. "A storm in a teacup" - a situation that is blown out of proportion.

7. "It's not my cup of tea" - used to indicate that something is not to your liking.

8. "Bite the bullet" - to endure a difficult situation with courage.

9. "Don't get your knickers in a twist" - don't get overly upset or worried about something.

10. "It's raining cats and dogs" - used to describe heavy rain.

Above is Funny england sayings.

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