Funny evil quotes and sayings

1. "I'm not evil, I'm just creatively misunderstood."

2. "I'm not evil, I'm just really good at being bad."

3. "Evil doesn't always win, but when it does, it's pretty hilarious."

4. "I'm not evil, I'm just delightfully wicked."

5. "Evil is just a point of view, and my view happens to be hilarious."

6. "I may be evil, but at least I have a sense of humor about it."

7. "Evil is my middle name, but funny is my first."

8. "I'm not evil, I'm just a master of dark comedy."

9. "Evil is like a fine wine, it gets better with age... and a dash of humor."

10. "I'm not evil, I'm just a joker in the deck of life."

Above is Funny evil quotes and sayings.

Ancient greek philosophers sayings

1. Know thyself. - Socrates2. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates3. Happiness depends upon ourselves. - Aristotle4. The unexamined life is not worth living. - Socrates5. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle6. T

Arabic sayings

1. الصبر مفتاح الفرج (Patience is the key to relief)2. من جد وجد (He who truly seeks, finds)3. العقل زينة (Intellect is an adornment)4. الصديق وقت الضيق (A friend in need is a friend indeed)5. الحب أعمى (Love is blind)6. الصديق وقت الضيق (A friend in need is a friend indeed)7. العلم نور

30 years old funny sayings

1. I'm not aging, I'm just increasing in value.2. I'm not old, I'm just retro.3. I'm not 30, I'm 29.95 plus tax.4. I'm not getting older, I'm getting more experienced.5. I'm like fine wine, I get better with age.6. I'm not over the hill, I'm just on top of it.7. I'm not old, I'm just we

Cute sayings for daughter

1. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.2. You are my greatest joy and my biggest blessing.3. You are the light of my life and the beat of my heart.4. You are my little princess, forever and always.5. You are the reason I smile every day.6. You are my precious gift from above.7. You are

Motivational sayings with skittles

1. Taste the rainbow and embrace the sweetness of life.2. Just like Skittles, you are a mix of unique flavors that make you special.3. Savor each moment like you savor a Skittle - with joy and enthusiasm.4. Life is like a bag of Skittles, full of colorful surprises waiting to be enjoyed.5.

Marquee light box sayings

1. Follow your dreams2. Be the light3. Stay wild, moon child4. You are enough5. Choose joy6. Love more, worry less7. Adventure awaits8. Shine bright like a diamond9. Good vibes only10. Be the change you wish to see

Funny sayings about perseverance

1. Perseverance is the stubborn refusal to quit, even when the odds are stacked against you.2. Perseverance is like a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it gets.3. Perseverance is the key to success, but sometimes it feels like you're just banging your head against a wall.4. Persevera

Disabled sayings for children

1. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.2. You can be anything you want to be if you just try hard enough.3. Boys don't cry.4. Don't talk to strangers.5. Just ignore them and they'll stop bothering you.6. Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.7. Don'

Scrooge sayings

1. Bah, humbug!2. I'll retire to Bedlam.3. I wish to be left alone.4. Every idiot who goes about with 'Merry Christmas' on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding.5. There is nothing on which it is so hard as poverty; and there is nothing it professes to condemn with such severity as

Hilarious australian sayings

1. As useful as a screen door on a submarine.2. He's got kangaroos loose in the top paddock.3. Flat out like a lizard drinking.4. Mad as a cut snake.5. She'll be right, mate.6. Like a possum up a gum tree.7. Built like a brick shithouse.8. Happy as a pig in mud.9. He's got a few roo