Funny fail signs sayings

1. "Caution: Objects in mirror are dumber than they appear."

2. "Warning: Falling asleep at the wheel may result in a rude awakening."

3. "Please do not feed the potholes."

4. "Beware: Speed bumps ahead, because life isn't bumpy enough."

5. "Stop, drop, and roll your eyes at this terrible parking job."

6. "Slow down! The speed limit is the law, not a suggestion for amateurs."

7. "Caution: This road has more twists and turns than a soap opera."

8. "Keep calm and watch out for falling rocks... or just keep calm, your choice."

9. "Attention: This road is not a runway, so please don't treat it like one."

10. "Warning: Objects in the rearview mirror may be closer than they appear, especially if they're tailgating you."

Above is Funny fail signs sayings.

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