Funny fantes with sayings

1. "I'm not clumsy, I'm just testing gravity."

2. "I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode."

3. "I'm not short, I'm vertically challenged."

4. "I'm not a control freak, I just know what's best for everyone."

5. "I'm not a procrastinator, I'm just on a deadline extension program."

6. "I'm not a morning person, I'm a nocturnal enthusiast."

7. "I'm not a shopaholic, I'm just supporting the economy."

8. "I'm not forgetful, I just have a selective memory."

9. "I'm not talking to myself, I'm just having a staff meeting."

10. "I'm not a perfectionist, I'm just very detail-oriented."

Above is Funny fantes with sayings.

Road safety quotes sayings

1. Drive as if every child on the street were your own. 2. Better late than never. Better safe than sorry. 3. Don't let your last words be 'I should have been more careful.' 4. The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it. 5. Drive like your life depends on it, because

Beautiful islamic sayings on facebook

1. Allah is the best listener. You don't need to shout nor cry out loud because He hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart.2. Trust Allah when things don't work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.3. The best cure for worry is to surrender it all to A

Best christmas retail sayings

1. Tis the season to shop 'til you drop!2. May your shopping be merry and your gifts be plenty.3. All I want for Christmas is a full shopping cart.4. Shop now, stress less later.5. Santa's not the only one making a list and checking it twice.6. Give the gift of joy this Christmas, one pur

Sayings about building a relationship

1. A strong relationship is built on trust, honesty, and communication.2. Relationships are like a house, they require a strong foundation to withstand any storm.3. Love is not just a feeling, it's a choice we make every day to build and nurture our relationships.4. In a relationship, it's no

Jesus sayings on tithing

One of the sayings of Jesus on tithing can be found in the Gospel of Matthew 23:23, where Jesus criticizes the religious leaders for their hypocrisy and neglect of justice and mercy. He says, Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill a

Dark and deep sayings

1. In the depths of darkness, we find the light within ourselves.2. The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.3. Sometimes you have to walk through the darkness to reach the light.4. The deeper the sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.5. In the depths of despair,

Chem sayings

1. Chemistry is the study of matter, but I prefer to see it as the study of change. - Walter White2. Chemistry is like cooking - just don't lick the spoon! 3. In chemistry, as in life, it's all about the right balance.4. Chemistry: where solutions are found and reactions happen.5. Chemistry

Best sayings about w

1. The letter 'W' is like a double-v, showing that it's twice as valuable as any other letter. 2. W is for wisdom, for it takes wisdom to understand its silent power. 3. In the alphabet of life, W stands for winning, for it takes courage and determination to succeed. 4. W is for wonder, for i

Hilarious swahili sayings

1. Kufa kufaana, kulia kulia. (Dying is dying, crying is crying) - This saying is used to emphasize that one should face challenges head-on without complaining.2. Mcheza kwao, kikulacho ki nguoni mwako. (The dancer is at home, what you eat is in your clothes) - This saying is used to remind some

Old australian sayings their meanings

1. Fair dinkum - This means something is genuine or true. It is often used to express disbelief or confirmation of a statement.2. She'll be right - This saying is used to convey a sense of optimism or reassurance that everything will be okay.3. No worries - This is a common Australian phrase u