Funny food sayings t shirts

1. "I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it."

2. "I'm in a committed relationship with pizza."

3. "I'm soy into you."

4. "I'm on a first-name basis with the dessert menu."

5. "I'm on a strict diet of tacos and tequila."

6. "I'm a sucker for a good burger."

7. "I'm just here for the snacks."

8. "I'm a firm believer that chocolate is the answer."

9. "I'm a pizza enthusiast, not an addict."

10. "I'm on a mission to find the world's best donut."

Above is Funny food sayings t shirts.

Catchy sayings for garage sales

1. One man's trash is another man's treasure.2. Everything must go!3. Deals you can't resist.4. Don't miss out on these steals.5. Clearing out for a fresh start.6. Bargains galore!7. Huge savings, small prices.8. Find your next treasure here.9. Get it before it's gone!10. Score bi

Common metaphors and sayings

1. A penny for your thoughts2. Bite the bullet3. Break the ice4. Caught between a rock and a hard place5. Don't cry over spilled milk6. Every cloud has a silver lining7. Hit the nail on the head8. Jump on the bandwagon9. Kill two birds with one stone10. Let the cat out of the bag

Shirts with sports sayings

1. Just Do It - Nike2. Run Like the Wind 3. Ball is Life4. Sweat, Smile, Repeat5. Train Insane or Remain the Same6. No Pain, No Gain7. Eat, Sleep, Play [insert sport]8. Hustle and Heart Set Us Apart9. Play Like a Champion Today10. Winning Isn't Everything, It's the Only Thing

Mexican independence day sayings

1. Viva México!2. ¡Que viva la independencia de México!3. Mexicanos al grito de guerra!4. ¡Viva la patria!5. ¡Viva la libertad!6. Orgulloso de ser mexicano.7. La independencia se lleva en el corazón.8. ¡Mexicanos, al grito de independencia!9. La historia nos recuerda nuestra valentí

Pepe le pew sayings

Here are some famous sayings by Pepe Le Pew, the charming yet overly amorous skunk from Looney Tunes:1. Ah, my darling, it is love at first sight, is it not, no?2. Leetle girl, you have the face of a flower, and the tail of a skunk.3. Love is like a beautiful flower, except I am a skunk, and yo

Liz lemon sayings

1. I believe that all anyone really wants in this life is to sit in peace and eat a sandwich.2. I'm a star, I'm on top, somebody bring me some ham!3. I'm not a princess, I'm a Khalessi.4. I want to go to there.5. I'm a human person who needs to be loved just like everybody else does.6. I

Lent sayings for church signs

1. Repent and believe in the Gospel.2. Let your light shine before others.3. Love your neighbor as yourself.4. Faith can move mountains.5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.6. God is our refuge and strength.7. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.8. Seek first the kingdom of God.9. D

Swimmingly sayings

1. Everything is going swimmingly.2. We're just swimming along.3. She handled the situation swimmingly.4. We're swimming in success.5. He's navigating through life swimmingly.6. Things are going swimmingly well.7. Just keep swimming, everything will work out.8. We're making progress s

Funny moist sayings

1. Moist as a towelette in a sauna.2. Sweaty like a glass of lemonade on a hot day.3. Damp as a dog's nose after a rainstorm.4. Moisture than a sponge in a fish tank.5. Wet as a watermelon at a picnic.6. Soggy as a sandwich left out in the rain.7. Drenched like a dishcloth in a sink ful

Election in india sayings

1. Your vote is your voice, use it wisely. 2. Voting is not just a right, it's a responsibility. 3. Democracy is not a spectator sport, get involved. 4. Every vote counts, make yours count too. 5. The power to change lies in your hands, cast your vote. 6. Don't complain about the governme