Funny french sayings

1. "C'est la fin des haricots" - It's the end of the beans (meaning it's the end of the world)

2. "Avoir le cafard" - To have the cockroach (meaning to feel down or depressed)

3. "Avoir la moutarde qui monte au nez" - To have the mustard rising to the nose (meaning to get angry)

4. "Il pleut comme vache qui pisse" - It's raining like a cow peeing (meaning it's raining heavily)

5. "Quand les poules auront des dents" - When hens have teeth (meaning something that will never happen)

6. "Faire la grasse matinée" - To do the fat morning (meaning to sleep in)

7. "Avoir un poil dans la main" - To have a hair in the hand (meaning to be lazy)

8. "Tomber dans les pommes" - To fall into the apples (meaning to faint)

9. "Avoir le cafard" - To have the cockroach (meaning to feel down or depressed)

10. "Mettre son grain de sel" - To put one's grain of salt (meaning to give an unwanted opinion)

Above is Funny french sayings.

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