Funny funeral sayings

1. "I told you I was sick."

2. "Well, this is one way to get out of paying your debts."

3. "I guess the party's over."

4. "At least they won't have to worry about getting old."

5. "Death: the ultimate excuse for not returning borrowed items."

6. "Looks like someone finally found a way to skip out on doing the dishes."

7. "Rest in peace... or at least try to."

8. "I always knew they had a flair for the dramatic."

9. "Who knew they had such a sense of humor, even in death?"

10. "Well, they always did say they wanted a quiet funeral. Looks like they got their wish."

Above is Funny funeral sayings.

My deepest condolences sayings

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Goofy ahh sayings

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5 sayings of jesus

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