Funny gorilla sayings

1. "I'm not monkeying around, I'm a serious gorilla!"

2. "I'm bananas for you!"

3. "I'm not a regular gorilla, I'm a cool gorilla."

4. "I'm just hanging out, like a gorilla in a tree."

5. "I'm feeling gorilla-cious today!"

6. "I'm not a gorilla, I'm a silverback superstar!"

7. "I'm not just any gorilla, I'm the king of the jungle gym."

8. "I'm not a party animal, I'm a party gorilla!"

9. "I'm not a gorilla, I'm a gorilla-dorable!"

10. "I'm not a gorilla, I'm a gorilla in a million!"

Above is Funny gorilla sayings.

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1. Go team, go!2. We've got spirit, yes we do!3. One team, one dream!4. Cheer loud, cheer proud!5. Victory is our only option!6. We believe, we achieve!7. Together we stand, together we cheer!8. Champions in the making!9. Fly high, cheer strong!10. Winning starts with cheering!

Classical japanese sayings

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Maori sayings starting with ka

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