Funny hangover sayings

1. "I feel like I got hit by a bus, but the bus was made of tequila."

2. "I'm not hungover, I'm just in a committed relationship with my bed."

3. "I'm not sure if I have a hangover or if the world is just too loud."

4. "I'm not hungover, I'm just experiencing a temporary state of regret."

5. "I'm not hungover, I'm just practicing my zombie impression."

6. "I'm not hungover, I'm just recharging my alcohol tolerance."

7. "I don't always get hangovers, but when I do, I prefer to stay in bed all day."

8. "I don't remember much from last night, but my hangover is here to fill in the blanks."

9. "I don't need a hangover cure, I need a time machine to undo last night."

10. "I'm not hungover, I'm just participating in a scientific study on the effects of alcohol on the human body."

Above is Funny hangover sayings.

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Couldn't win sayings

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