Funny hawaiian pidgin sayings

Here are a few funny Hawaiian Pidgin sayings:

1. "No can, can." - This is a playful way of saying "No, you can't do that."

2. "Da kine" - This is a versatile phrase that can be used to refer to something when you can't remember the exact word for it.

3. "Broke da mouth" - This means that the food is so delicious that it's like it broke your mouth.

4. "Lolo" - This means crazy or silly.

5. "Pau hana" - This means the workday is over or it's time to relax.

6. "Aloha Friday" - This is a way of saying TGIF, or thank goodness it's Friday.

7. "Talk stink" - This means to talk bad about someone.

8. "Shoots" - This is a way of saying okay or sure.

9. "Bumbai you learn" - This means you'll learn eventually.

10. "Grindz" - This means food or a meal.

Above is Funny hawaiian pidgin sayings.

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