Funny hello sayings

1. "Hello, it's me... I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet."

2. "Hello from the other side... of the room."

3. "Hello, is it tea you're looking for?"

4. "Hello, it's me... I've just met you, and this is crazy."

5. "Hello, it's me... I was just calling to say I love you."

6. "Hello, it's me... I'm socially awkward, nice to meet you."

7. "Hello, it's me... I'm not a cat, but I'm here to say meow."

8. "Hello, it's me... I'm just here for the snacks."

9. "Hello, it's me... I'm not a morning person, can we talk later?"

10. "Hello, it's me... I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom."

Above is Funny hello sayings.

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