Funny highschool quotes and sayings

1. "High school is like a spork: it's a weird combination of things that don't really go together, but somehow it works."

2. "High school: where you learn the difference between a crush and true love... and also how to survive on 3 hours of sleep."

3. "High school is like a rollercoaster: it has its ups and downs, but in the end, you'll probably throw up."

4. "High school is the only place where you can be praised for sitting and doing nothing for 45 minutes straight."

5. "High school: where you learn that the real drama isn't on TV, it's in the hallways."

6. "High school is like a game of chess: you have to strategize, make bold moves, and sometimes sacrifice a pawn (or two) to survive."

7. "High school is where you can find the best and worst fashion trends all in one place."

8. "High school: where you can go from feeling on top of the world to questioning your existence in a matter of minutes."

9. "High school is like a giant social experiment, and we're all just trying to figure out the results."

10. "High school: where you learn that procrastination is both an art form and a way of life."

Above is Funny highschool quotes and sayings.

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