Funny ides of march sayings

1. "Beware the Ides of March...unless you have a toga party to attend!"

2. "Et tu, Brute? More like Et tu, forgot my birthday!"

3. "Ides of March: the one day a year when stabbing someone in the back is historically accurate."

4. "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your I can tell you about my latest conspiracy theory."

5. "On the Ides of March, we wear our best togas and beware of anyone named Julius."

6. "Ides of March: the original 'cancel culture' day."

7. "Beware of anyone offering you a salad on the Ides of March."

8. "Et tu, Brute? More like Et tu, Brute...did you eat my leftovers from the fridge?"

9. "Ides of March: the day when even the most loyal friends might stab you in the back...or in the front."

10. "Beware the Ides of March, for it's the day when even the most powerful leaders can meet a sudden end...or at least lose their WiFi connection."

Above is Funny ides of march sayings.

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Funny humble sayings

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