Funny irony sayings or

1. "I'm a firm believer in karma, which is why I always make sure to give bad drivers plenty of space."

2. "I love the irony of people who claim to be open-minded but can't handle a different opinion."

3. "I find it ironic that the loudest complainers about political correctness are often the most easily offended."

4. "Isn't it ironic how we always find our keys in the last place we look? Of course, we stop looking after we find them."

5. "I find it ironic that the only time people seem to read the terms and conditions is when they're looking for a way to get out of something."

6. "It's ironic how we spend so much time searching for the perfect emoji to express our emotions, yet struggle to communicate face-to-face."

7. "The irony of life is that the more we try to control it, the more it surprises us with unexpected twists and turns."

8. "Isn't it ironic that we spend so much time trying to save money, only to spend it all on things we don't really need?"

9. "I find it ironic that the most vocal advocates for a simpler life are often the ones with the most cluttered minds."

10. "The irony of procrastination is that we often put off important tasks to avoid stress, only to end up feeling even more stressed later on."

Above is Funny irony sayings or.

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1. A mother is like a flower, each one beautiful and unique.2. A mother's love is the heart of the family.3. Mothers hold their children's hands for a while, but their hearts forever.4. To the world, you are a mother. To your family, you are the world.5. A mother's love knows no bounds, it

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Posting lots of sayings on facebook

1. Don't count the days, make the days count.2. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.3. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.4. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.5. The best way to predict the future is to create it.6.