Funny karen sayings

1. "I demand to speak to the manager... of this grocery store's produce section!"

2. "I don't need a coupon, I know the owner of this store!"

3. "I'll have you know, I'm a member of the neighborhood watch committee!"

4. "I'm not leaving this restaurant until I get a refund for my overcooked steak!"

5. "Excuse me, but I think you forgot to charge me for this extra packet of ketchup."

6. "I need to speak to someone in charge, this line is moving too slowly!"

7. "I don't care if it's store policy, I want to return this item without a receipt!"

8. "I know my rights, and I demand to see the employee handbook!"

9. "I'm not leaving until you find me a parking spot closer to the entrance!"

10. "I'm calling corporate about the lack of gluten-free options on your menu!"

Above is Funny karen sayings.

Heart touching sayings of big heart

1. A big heart is a magnet for love and kindness.2. The world needs more people with big hearts and open minds.3. A big heart can heal wounds that words cannot reach.4. In a world full of selfishness, a big heart shines like a beacon of hope.5. The true measure of a person is the size of th

Cheap stencil sayings

1. Live, Laugh, Love2. Dream Big3. Be Kind4. Create Happiness5. Stay Positive6. Follow Your Heart7. Believe in Yourself8. Choose Joy9. Embrace Change10. Love Wins

Before you reach the tip of mountain sayings

Success is not just about reaching the top of the mountain, but also about enjoying the journey along the way.

Most aussie sayings ever

1. G'day mate, how ya goin'?2. No worries, she'll be right.3. Fair dinkum!4. Strewth, that's a ripper!5. Chuck a sickie.6. I'm as dry as a dead dingo's donger.7. He's got kangaroos loose in the top paddock.8. I'm off to the bottle-o to grab a slab.9. I'm so hungry I could eat the cr

Sayings about feeling down

1. When you're feeling down, remember that the darkest nights produce the brightest stars.2. Even the strongest among us have moments of weakness. It's okay to feel down sometimes.3. The sun will shine again after the storm. Keep holding on.4. In the midst of feeling down, remember that this

Catching my drift sayings

1. Are you picking up what I'm putting down?2. Do you feel me?3. Are you tracking with me?4. Are you following my train of thought?5. Are you on the same wavelength?6. Are you getting the gist?7. Are you on board?8. Are you understanding where I'm coming from?9. Are you vibing with

Narsasist sayings

1. I'm the best at everything I do.2. I deserve all the attention and admiration.3. I'm always right, and everyone else is wrong.4. I'm too good for anyone to criticize me.5. I'm the most important person in the room.6. I'm superior to everyone else.7. I don't need anyone else, I can do

Egyptian sayings in english

1. The eye never forgets what the heart has seen. 2. A good deed is never lost. 3. Patience is the key to paradise. 4. The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. 5. The wise man is the one who knows he knows nothing. 6. A kind word can warm three winter months.

Sweet i love you sayings

1. I love you more than words can express.2. You are my everything.3. You make my heart skip a beat.4. I am so grateful to have you in my life.5. You are the light of my life.6. My love for you knows no bounds.7. You are my soulmate.8. I can't imagine my life without you.9. You are

Sayings about yorkshiremen

1. A Yorkshireman is a man of few words but great actions.2. As stubborn as a Yorkshireman in a rainstorm.3. You can take the man out of Yorkshire, but you can't take Yorkshire out of the man.4. A Yorkshireman's word is his bond.5. Yorkshiremen are as tough as the hills they come from.6.