Funny kurdish sayings

1. "Kurds don't die, they just become legends."

2. "A Kurd can carry a mountain on his back, but can't carry a tune in a bucket."

3. "Even a Kurd's shadow can't keep up with him."

4. "A Kurd's laughter can be heard from miles away."

5. "Kurds don't need GPS, they have an innate sense of direction."

6. "If a Kurd is silent, it's probably because he's thinking of a witty comeback."

7. "Kurds can make a feast out of a single grain of rice."

8. "A Kurd's heart is as big as the mountains of Kurdistan."

9. "Kurds can turn a simple conversation into a comedy show."

10. "Even in the darkest times, Kurds find a reason to smile."

Above is Funny kurdish sayings.

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