Funny laughable sayings

1. "I'm not clumsy, I'm just testing the gravity."

2. "I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode."

3. "I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing."

4. "I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right."

5. "I'm not short, I'm just vertically challenged."

6. "I'm not a control freak, but can I show you the right way to do that?"

7. "I'm not a morning person, I'm a coffee person."

8. "I'm not a shopaholic, I'm helping the economy."

9. "I'm not old, I'm just retro."

10. "I'm not a chef, I'm an artist with food."

Above is Funny laughable sayings.

Gambling sayings cards

1. You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. - Kenny Rogers2. The cards have no memory. - Amarillo Slim3. Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well. - Jack London4. In gambling, the many must lose in order that the few may win

Proverbial sayings phrases

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. A penny saved is a penny earned.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. The early bird catches the worm.5. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.6. A stitch in time saves nine.7. Haste makes waste.8. The grass is always greener on the ot

Most famous sayings about travel

1. The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. - Saint Augustine2. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. - Unknown3. Not all those who wander are lost. - J.R.R. Tolkien4. Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. - Ibn

Columbia sc sayings

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1. Sending you healing thoughts and a little sunshine to brighten your day.2. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a return to good health.3. May you be surrounded by love and comfort as you heal.4. Sending you positive vibes and well wishes for a quick recovery.5. Thinking of you and sending

Sayings for a daughter on her birthday

1. To my beautiful daughter, may your birthday be as special as you are to me.2. You are the light of my life, my dear daughter. Happy birthday!3. On your special day, I want you to know how much joy and love you bring into my life. Happy birthday, my sweet daughter.4. Watching you grow into

English sayings and proverbs

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.3. The early bird catches the worm.4. All good things must come to an end.5. A penny saved is a penny earned.6. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.7. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.8. Better late t

Beautiful person gone but not forgotten sayings

1. Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts.2. Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day.3. In loving memory of a beautiful soul.4. Though you are no longer with us, your spirit lives on in our memories.5. Your presence we miss, your memory we treasure.6. Forever in

Sayings that remind you of home

1. Home is where the heart is.2. There's no place like home.3. Home sweet home.4. Home is not a place, it's a feeling.5. Home is the starting place of love, hope, and dreams.6. Home is where our story begins.7. Home is the nicest word there is.8. Home is where you feel loved, apprecia

Cute thank you card sayings

1. Thank you for being so sweet and thoughtful!2. Your kindness means the world to me, thank you!3. I am so grateful for your generosity, thank you!4. You have a heart of gold, thank you for everything!5. Your thoughtfulness brightened my day, thank you!6. I am truly blessed to have you i