Funny low german sayings

1. "Wat de een sien Uhl, is de annern sien Nachtigall." (What is one person's owl is another person's nightingale.)

2. "De Düwel is los in'n Kohlstall." (The devil is loose in the cabbage patch.)

3. "Deit dien Düüwel nich to groot, he sleit di up'n Kopp." (Don't make your devil too big, he'll hit you on the head.)

4. "Wenn de Kopp wackelt, de Arsch schackelt." (When the head wobbles, the butt shakes.)

5. "De letzte macht dat Licht ut." (The last one turns off the light.)

6. "Wenn de Kopp nich will, denn mutt de Düüwel woll." (If the head doesn't want to, then the devil must.)

7. "Wat de Bur nich kennt, dat fret he nich." (What the farmer doesn't know, he doesn't eat.)

8. "Deit dien besten, dat Gott di helpen kann." (Do your best, so that God can help you.)

9. "In'n Düsteren is good munkern." (In the dark, it's good to murmur.)

10. "Wat de een sien Freud, is de annern sien Leid." (What is one person's joy is another person's sorrow.)

Above is Funny low german sayings.

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