Funny manly sayings

1. "Real men don't cry, they sweat through their eyes."

2. "I don't need a superhero cape, I have a beard."

3. "I'm not bald, I'm just taller than my hair."

4. "I don't always lift weights, but when I do, I make sure the gym knows about it."

5. "I'm not a regular dad, I'm a cool dad with a tool belt."

6. "I may not be a handyman, but I can fix a broken heart."

7. "Real men wear pink... and look damn good doing it."

8. "I don't need a map, I navigate by the stars in my beard."

9. "I'm not afraid of spiders, I just prefer to let them live in fear of me."

10. "I don't always grill, but when I do, the neighbors suddenly become hungry."

Above is Funny manly sayings.

Rosh hashanah quotes and sayings

1. May you be inscribed for a good year. - Traditional Rosh Hashanah greeting2. On Rosh Hashanah it is written, on Yom Kippur it is sealed. - Traditional saying3. L'shanah tovah u'metukah - For a good and sweet year - Traditional Rosh Hashanah blessing4. As the new year begins and the old o

Sayings about how change starts at the root

1. To change the fruit, you must first change the root.2. True change begins at the roots of our beliefs and values.3. The seeds of change are planted at the roots of our actions.4. To see change in the branches, we must nurture the roots.5. Change that lasts starts at the roots of our habi

Cute i love you sayings for your girlfriend

1. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day, my love for you will never fade away.2. I love you more than words can express, you are my everything.3. You are the most beautiful person inside and out, I am so lucky to have you in my life.4. Every moment with you feels like a dream come true, I love

Witty math sayings

1. I'm so good at math, I can make your problems disappear faster than you can say 'Pythagorean theorem.'2. Math is like love; a simple equation can make your heart race.3. I'm not a mathematician, but I'm great at dividing the bill at a restaurant.4. I'm so good at math, I can calculate the

Blackout game football sayings

1. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.2. Defense wins championships.3. Leave it all on the field.4. Play like a champion today.5. Winners never quit, and quitters never win.6. The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.7. It's not whe

Jamaican sayings positive

1. Every mickle mek a muckle - Every little bit adds up to a lot.2. One one coco full basket - Take things one step at a time.3. No problem man - Everything will work out fine.4. Walk good - Take care and be safe.5. Likkle more - See you later.6. Nuff respect - Showing appreciation and r

Pretty little liars sayings

1. Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.2. The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.3. Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.4. Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.5. Sometimes lies are more dependable than the truth.6. Secrets are like sca

British english sayings and expressions

1. Bob's your uncle - used to indicate that something will be successful or easy to accomplish.2. It's raining cats and dogs - used to describe heavy rain.3. The bee's knees - used to describe something excellent or outstanding.4. Chuffed to bits - used to express happiness or delight.5. Ta

Dr who cybermen sayings

Here are some famous sayings from the Cybermen in the TV show Doctor Who:1. You will be upgraded.2. You will become like us.3. Resistance is futile.4. Delete, delete, delete.5. You will be assimilated.6. You are incompatible.7. Emotions are a weakness.8. You will be deleted.9. You w

St patty's day sayings funny

1. Irish you a lucky St. Patrick's Day!2. I'm not lucky, I'm just Irish!3. I'm not drunk, I'm just celebrating St. Patrick's Day!4. May your troubles be less and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door.5. Kiss me, I'm Irish... or just drunk, either way.6.