Funny massachusetts sayings

1. "Wicked pissah" - used to describe something as really great or awesome

2. "Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd" - a humorous way of imitating the Boston accent

3. "You can't get theyah from heah" - a playful way of saying that something is difficult to find or reach

4. "It's colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra" - a colorful way of describing extremely cold weather

5. "Ayuh, the weathah's wicked unpredictable" - a common saying about the unpredictable weather in Massachusetts

6. "Don't be a wicked pissah, just grab a beeah" - a lighthearted way of encouraging someone to relax and have a beer

7. "I'm so hungry I could eat the hind leg off a donkey" - a humorous way of expressing extreme hunger

8. "He's as lost as a fart in a fan factory" - a funny way of saying someone is confused or disoriented

9. "I'm sweatin' like a sinner in church" - a humorous way of describing someone who is sweating profusely

10. "It's time to pack up the cah and head down the Cape" - a classic Massachusetts saying about heading to Cape Cod for a vacation

Above is Funny massachusetts sayings.

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