Funny mexican sayings bumper sticker

"¡No manches guey, soy mexicano!"

Above is Funny mexican sayings bumper sticker.

Crafy sayings cricut etsy

Here are some crafty sayings that you can use for your Cricut projects on Etsy:1. Crafting is my therapy.2. Creativity is contagious, pass it on.3. Crafting is my happy place.4. Crafting is cheaper than therapy.5. Crafting is my superpower.6. Crafting is my love language.7. Crafting is

Common afrikaans sayings

1. Jy kan nie 'n ou hond nuwe truuks leer nie. (You can't teach an old dog new tricks.)2. Môre is 'n nuwe dag. (Tomorrow is a new day.)3. Praat is silver, maar swyg is goud. (Speech is silver, but silence is golden.)4. Wat jy saai, sal jy maai. (You will reap what you sow.)5. As die berg ni

Sayings about ignorant

1. Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. - William Shakespeare2. Ignorance is not bliss; it is oblivion. - Philip Wylie3. Ignorance is bold and knowledge reserved. - Thucydides4. Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil. - Plato5. The only thing mo

Sayings that mean happiness

1. Happiness is a choice.2. Happiness is a state of mind.3. Happiness is contagious.4. Happiness is the key to success.5. Happiness is the best revenge.6. Happiness is a journey, not a destination.7. Happiness is found within.8. Happiness is a warm hug.9. Happiness is a cup of tea o

Aging wisdom sayings

1. With age comes wisdom.2. Age is just a number.3. The older the fiddle, the sweeter the tune.4. Youth is wasted on the young.5. Age before beauty.6. Aging like fine wine.7. The older you get, the more you realize what really matters in life.8. Growing old is mandatory, but growing u

Covid letter board sayings

1. Stay safe, stay strong, we will get through this together.2. In this together, apart but united.3. Spread love, not germs.4. Mask up, stay safe.5. Kindness is contagious, spread it around.6. Together apart, we will overcome.7. Keep calm and wash your hands.8. This too shall pass.9

Murder mystery party sayings

1. The game is afoot!2. Trust no one, suspect everyone.3. The butler did it... or did he?4. A clue, a clue! Follow me!5. The plot thickens...6. Keep your friends close, but your suspects closer.7. Every suspect has a motive, but who has the opportunity?8. The truth is out there, waiti

Although you can't be here with sayings

I'm here to help you with any sayings or phrases you'd like to know more about. Just let me know what you're curious about!

Austria favorite sayings

1. Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen. (No master has fallen from the sky yet.) - This saying emphasizes the importance of practice and hard work in achieving mastery.2. Nicht alles Gold, was glänzt. (Not all that glitters is gold.) - This saying warns against being deceived by appeara

Greek sayings swasta sharir main swatsa mann rehta hain

This saying is not a traditional Greek saying, but rather a Sanskrit saying. In English, it translates to A healthy body houses a healthy mind. It emphasizes the importance of physical health in maintaining mental well-being.