Funny motherhood quotes and sayings

1. "Motherhood: feeding them, clothing them, loving them, and then wondering where they heck you went wrong."

2. "Motherhood is like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park."

3. "Motherhood is the toughest job in the world. Because you're on call 24/7, the pay is terrible, and the boss is a tiny dictator."

4. "I used to have a social life, then I became a mom."

5. "Motherhood: where you trade your sanity for unconditional love."

6. "Being a mom means never having a clean house, a full night's sleep, or a moment to yourself. But it's all worth it for those little moments of joy."

7. "Motherhood is a constant battle between wanting to be the best mom ever and wanting to hide in the bathroom for five minutes of peace."

8. "The only time I have a clean house is when my kids are at someone else's house."

9. "Motherhood is like a rollercoaster ride - full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and occasionally someone throws up."

10. "Being a mom means never being alone in the bathroom again."

Above is Funny motherhood quotes and sayings.

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