Funny norse sayings

1. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch, especially if they're being guarded by a dragon."

2. "Even the mightiest warrior can be defeated by a well-placed banana peel."

3. "Never trust a troll with your secrets, they love to gossip."

4. "A wise man knows when to retreat, especially when faced with an angry Valkyrie."

5. "The early Viking catches the plunder, but the late Viking gets caught by the villagers."

6. "May your mead be strong and your enemies be clumsy."

7. "A shieldmaiden's wrath is fiercer than a winter storm."

8. "Even Odin had to start somewhere, so don't be discouraged if your first battle doesn't go as planned."

9. "Never challenge a dwarf to a drinking contest, unless you enjoy waking up with a headache."

10. "In the land of the Norse, the one-eyed man is king... unless he's Odin, then he's just the Allfather."

Above is Funny norse sayings.

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Mouse sayings

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