Funny patio sayings

1. "I'm outdoorsy in that I like drinking on patios."

2. "Patio season: where the only thing getting lit is the grill."

3. "I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom with a patio."

4. "Life is better on the patio, with a drink in hand."

5. "Patio: where the only drama is deciding what to grill."

6. "I'm just here for the patio vibes and good times."

7. "Patio rules: relax, unwind, and enjoy the sunshine."

8. "My favorite exercise is drinking on the patio."

9. "Welcome to our patio, where the drinks are cold and the company is warm."

10. "Patio: where every hour is happy hour."

Above is Funny patio sayings.

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