Funny philly sayings

1. "Yo, youse guys wanna get a hoagie down the shore?"

2. "I'm gonna go down the shore and get my friggin' tan on."

3. "I'm not here to play patty cake, I'm here to win."

4. "I'm gonna go down the shore and do some serious people watching."

5. "I'm gonna hit up Wawa for a hoagie and a Tastykake."

6. "I'm not a tourist, I'm a Philly native. Get it right."

7. "I'm gonna go down the shore and get my water ice fix."

8. "I'm gonna hit up Pat's or Geno's for a cheesesteak, no questions asked."

9. "I'm gonna go down the shore and show off my Philly pride."

10. "I'm gonna hit up the Mummers Parade and strut my stuff."

Above is Funny philly sayings.

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