Funny poker sayings

1. "I'm not a good poker player, but I'm great at pretending to be one."

2. "I'm not sure if I'm playing poker or just making really expensive decisions."

3. "Life is like a game of poker, you never know what hand you're going to be dealt."

4. "I may fold a lot in poker, but I never fold in real life."

5. "I'm not addicted to poker, I'm just in a committed relationship with it."

6. "In poker, you can't always control the cards you're dealt, but you can control how you play them."

7. "Poker is a lot like sex, everyone thinks they're the best at it until they're in over their head."

8. "I don't always play poker, but when I do, I prefer to go all in."

9. "The only thing better than winning at poker is making your friends think you're bluffing."

10. "Poker is a game of skill, luck, and knowing when to walk away...usually after losing all your money."

Above is Funny poker sayings.

Animal comic sayings

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