Funny price is right sayings

1. "Come on down, you're the next contestant on the Price is Right...or are you just here for the free samples?"

2. "You bid how much on that toaster? Did you think it was made of gold?"

3. "Congratulations, you've won a brand new car! Just kidding, it's actually a year's supply of toilet paper."

4. "You bid $1 on that showcase? Bold move, let's see if it pays off."

5. "And the actual retail price is...way more than you thought. Better luck next time!"

6. "You bid $999 on that designer handbag? I think you may have overestimated your shopping skills."

7. "You've won a trip to Hawaii! Just kidding, it's actually a trip to your neighbor's backyard pool."

8. "You bid $50 on that flat-screen TV? I hope you're prepared to watch everything in black and white."

9. "You've won a lifetime supply of laundry detergent! Just kidding, it's actually just one bottle."

10. "You bid $1000 on that diamond necklace? I hope you have a good return policy."

Above is Funny price is right sayings.

Brooklyn 99 precinct sayings

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