Funny priceless mastercard sayings

1. "Dinner at a fancy restaurant: $100. Spilling wine on your date's lap: Priceless."

2. "Tickets to a comedy show: $50. Laughing until you cry: Priceless."

3. "Buying a new outfit for a party: $200. Realizing you left the price tag on: Priceless."

4. "Taking a vacation to a tropical island: $1000. Forgetting to pack sunscreen: Priceless."

5. "Buying a fancy gift for your crush: $50. Accidentally calling them by the wrong name: Priceless."

6. "Hiring a professional photographer for family portraits: $300. Your toddler throwing a tantrum during the shoot: Priceless."

7. "Splurging on a spa day: $150. Accidentally walking into the wrong room and seeing someone naked: Priceless."

8. "Buying a fancy bottle of wine for a special occasion: $50. Spilling it all over yourself before you even take a sip: Priceless."

9. "Purchasing a new gadget: $500. Dropping it in the toilet on the first day: Priceless."

10. "Ordering a gourmet meal at a fancy restaurant: $200. Realizing you forgot your wallet at home: Priceless."

Above is Funny priceless mastercard sayings.

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