Funny protest sayings

1. "I'm protesting because I'm tired of adulting, can we go back to nap time?"

2. "I'm here for the snacks, not the politics."

3. "I'm protesting for the right to take naps in the middle of the day."

4. "I'm not lazy, I'm just conserving energy for the revolution."

5. "I'm protesting because I ran out of coffee and this seemed like a good excuse to get some."

6. "I'm here to protest against Mondays, who's with me?"

7. "I'm protesting for the right to wear pajamas all day, every day."

8. "I'm protesting because I'm too old for this, but too young to retire."

9. "I'm here to protest against adulting, can we just go back to being kids?"

10. "I'm protesting for the right to have a personal pizza day every day."

Above is Funny protest sayings.

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Sayings for teacher retirement

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