Funny renovation sayings

1. "Renovating a house is like peeling an onion - it makes you cry, but in the end, you have something beautiful."

2. "Renovation: turning a house into a home, one swear word at a time."

3. "Renovation is the art of turning a house into a money pit with potential."

4. "Renovation: where your dreams of a Pinterest-worthy home meet the reality of a Home Depot receipt."

5. "Renovation is just adult arts and crafts with power tools."

6. "Renovation: the only time it's acceptable to break things and call it progress."

7. "Renovation is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get until you start demo."

8. "Renovation: the process of turning a 'fixer-upper' into a 'money pit.'"

9. "Renovation is a lot like childbirth - painful, messy, but totally worth it in the end."

10. "Renovation: where every project starts with 'How hard could it be?'"

Above is Funny renovation sayings.

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