Funny retired sayings

1. "I'm not retired, I'm just getting more value out of my naps."

2. "Retirement: when you stop living at work and start working at living."

3. "I'm not retired, I'm a professional relaxer."

4. "Retirement is like a long vacation in Las Vegas. The goal is to enjoy it to the fullest, but not so fully that you run out of money."

5. "Retirement is the only time in your life when you can have a drink at 10 am and nobody judges you."

6. "Retirement: the time in your life when you can finally stop pretending to be busy."

7. "I'm retired, but I work harder now trying to avoid work than I ever did when I was working."

8. "Retirement is the perfect time to become the person you always wanted to be, but never had the time for."

9. "Retirement is when you stop living at work and start working on living."

10. "I'm not retired, I'm just on a permanent coffee break."

Above is Funny retired sayings.

Crazy family quotes and sayings

1. Family: where life begins and love never ends.2. Family is not an important thing, it's everything.3. In our family, we don't hide crazy, we put it on display.4. Family: a little bit of crazy, a little bit of loud, and a whole lot of love.5. Home is where the crazy family is.6. Family:

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Photography quotes and sayings tumblr

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