Funny reunion sayings

1. "Reunited and it feels so good... until we remember why we stopped talking in the first place."

2. "Reunions: where old friends come together to compare who has aged the best."

3. "Reunions are like a box of chocolates... you never know what awkward conversations you're going to get."

4. "Reunions: where we pretend to be interested in each other's lives for a few hours."

5. "Reunions are a great reminder that some friendships are better left in the past."

6. "Reunions: where we all pretend we're still as cool as we were in high school."

7. "Reunions are like a high school yearbook come to life... full of nostalgia and questionable fashion choices."

8. "Reunions: where we all try to one-up each other with our accomplishments, while secretly feeling inadequate."

9. "Reunions are a great opportunity to catch up on all the gossip we missed out on."

10. "Reunions: where we all pretend we're still young and carefree, even though we're all secretly exhausted."

Above is Funny reunion sayings.

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Free printable sayings to frame

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