Funny rowing sayings

1. "Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream... unless you're in a regatta!"

2. "Rowing: the only sport where you can sit down and still get a good workout."

3. "Rowing: because paddling is for amateurs."

4. "Rowing: where the only thing harder than the workout is trying to explain to non-rowers what blisters on your hands are from."

5. "Rowing: the only sport where you can say you're going to 'pull an oar' and it's a good thing."

6. "Rowing: where the only thing you'll catch is a crab."

7. "Rowing: because walking is too mainstream."

8. "Rowing: where the only thing that's flat is the water... and maybe your abs if you row enough."

9. "Rowing: because sometimes you just need to row away from it all."

10. "Rowing: where the only thing that's smooth is the glide of the boat on the water... and maybe your stroke if you're lucky."

Above is Funny rowing sayings.

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